Deploy your Astro Site to Microsoft Azure

Azure is a cloud platform from Microsoft. You can deploy your Astro site with Microsoft Azure’s Static Web Apps service.

To follow this guide you will need:

  1. Open your project in VS Code.

  2. Open the Static Web Apps extension, sign in to Azure, and click the + button to create a new Static Web App. You will be prompted to designate which subscription key to use.

  3. Follow the wizard started by the extension to give your app a name, choose a framework preset, and designate the app root (usually /) and built file location /dist. The wizard will run and will create a GitHub Action in your repo in a .github folder.

The GitHub Action will deploy your app (you can see its progress in your repo’s Actions tab on GitHub). When successfully completed, you can view your app at the address shown in the SWA Extension’s progress window by clicking the Browse Website button (this will appear after the GitHub Action has run).

