Deploy your Astro Site to Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a full-featured web app hosting platform that can be used to deploy an Astro site.

Deploying a project to Google Cloud requires some UI clicks. (Most of these actions can also be done using the gcloud CLI).

  1. Create a new GCP project, or select one you already have.

  2. Make sure the Cloud Run API is enabled.

  3. Create a new service.

  4. Use a container from Docker Hub or build your own using Cloud Build.

  5. Configure a port from which the files are served.

  6. Enable public access by adding a new permission to allUsers called Cloud Run Invoker.

  1. Create a new GCP project, or select one you already have.

  2. Create a new bucket under Cloud Storage.

  3. Give it a name and other required settings.

  4. Upload your dist folder into it or upload using Cloud Build.

  5. Enable public access by adding a new permission to allUsers called Storage Object Viewer.

  6. Edit the website configuration and add ìndex.html as entrypoint and 404.html as errorpage.

